Use this sign to mark lanes that give an option to proceed straight or turn left. A sign is proven and effective.
Standard: 01 If used, the Optional Movement Lane Control (R3-6) sign shall be used for two or more movements from a specific lane or to emphasize permitted movements. If used, the Optional Movement Lane Control sign shall be located in advance of the intersection, such as near the upstream end of an adjacent mandatory movement lane, and/or at the intersection where the regulation applies. 02 If used, the Optional Movement Lane Control sign shall indicate all permissible movements from specific lanes. 03 Optional Movement Lane Control signs shall be used for two or more movements from a specific lane where a movement, not normally allowed, is permitted. 04 The Optional Movement Lane Control sign shall not be used alone to effect a turn prohibition. 05 Where the number of lanes available to through traffic on an approach is three or more, an Optional Movement Lane Control (R3-6) sign, if used, shall be mounted overhead over the specific lane to which it applies (see Section 2B.19). 06 Because more than one movement is permitted from the lane, the word message ONLY shall not be used on an Optional Movement Lane Control sign.