Notify bus drivers that there is a designated lane for their vehicles up ahead in the road.
Standard: 01 The R3-10, R3-13, and R3-13a Vehicle Occupancy Definition signs shall be used where agencies determine that it is appropriate to provide a sign that defines the minimum occupancy of vehicles that are allowed to use an HOV lane. 02 For barrier- or buffer-separated or contiguous preferential lanes where access between the preferential and general-purpose lanes is restricted to designated locations, an overhead Vehicle Occupancy Definition (R3-13 or R3-13a) sign shall be installed at least 1/2 mile in advance of the beginning of or initial entry point to an HOV lane. These signs shall only be displayed in advance of the beginning of or initial entry point to HOV lanes. 03 For buffer-separated or contiguous HOV lanes where access is restricted to designated locations, the sequence of a post-mounted Periods of Operation (R3-11a) sign followed by a post-mounted Vehicle Occupancy Definition (R3-10) sign shall be located at intervals not greater than 1/2 mile along the length of the access-restricted HOV lane, at designated gaps where vehicles are allowed to legally access the HOV lane, and within designated enforcement areas as defined by the operating agency. 04 For buffer-separated or contiguous HOV lanes where continuous access with the adjacent general-purpose lanes is provided, the sequence of a post-mounted Periods of Operation (R3-11a) sign followed by a post-mounted Vehicle Occupancy Definition (R3-10) sign, and ILEV (R3-10a) signs if appropriate, shall be located at intervals not greater than 1/2 mile along the length of the HOV lane. 05 For all types of direct access ramps that provide access to or lead to HOV lanes, a post-mounted Vehicle Occupancy Definition (R3-10) sign, and an ILEV (R3-10a) sign if appropriate, shall be used at the beginning or initial entry point for the direct access ramp.