Notify drivers of a central barrier dividing the highway with a hefty reflective aluminum sign.
Standard: 01 On unsignalized minor-street approaches from which both left turns and right turns are permitted onto a divided highway that has a median width at the intersection itself of 30 feet or more, except as provided in Paragraph 2, a Divided Highway Crossing (R6-3 or R6-3a) sign shall be used to advise road users that they are approaching an intersection with a divided highway. 02 If a Divided Highway Crossing sign is used at a four-legged intersection, the R6-3 sign shall be used. If used at a T-intersection, the R6-3a sign shall be used. 03 The Divided Highway Crossing sign shall be located on the near right corner of the intersection, mounted beneath a STOP or YIELD sign or on a separate support.