In disaster prone areas the evacuation route is the key to safety. Mark it clearly with a large Hurricane Evacuation Route sign.
Standard: 01 The Evacuation Route (EM-1 and EM-1a) signs shall display a blue circular symbol on a white square sign without a border. The EM-1 sign shall include a white directional arrow (except as provided in Paragraph 3) and a white legend EVACUATION ROUTE within the blue circular symbol. The EM-1a sign shall include a white EVACUATION ROUTE legend and the tsunami symbol within the blue circular symbol. The EM-1 and EM-1a signs shall be retroreflective. 02 An Advance Turn Arrow (M5 series) or Directional Arrow (M6 series) auxiliary sign as shown in Figure 2D-5, but with a white arrow on a blue background instead of a black arrow on a white background, shall be installed below the EM-1a sign. 03 The arrow designs, if used, on the EM-1 sign shall include a straight, vertical arrow pointing upward, a straight horizontal arrow pointing to the left or right, or a bent arrow pointing to the left or right for advance warning of a turn. 04 If used, the Evacuation Route sign, with the appropriate arrow, shall be installed 150 to 300 feet in advance of, and at, any turn in an approved evacuation route. The sign shall also be installed elsewhere for straight-ahead confirmation where needed. 05 If used in urban areas, the Evacuation Route sign shall be mounted at the right-hand side of the roadway, not less than 7 feet above the top of the curb, and at least 1 foot back from the face of the curb. If used in rural areas, the Evacuation Route sign shall be mounted at the right-hand side of the roadway, not less than 7 feet above the pavement and not less than 6 feet or more than 10 feet to the right of the right-hand roadway edge. 06 Evacuation Route signs shall not be placed where they will conflict with other signs. Where conflict in placement would occur between the Evacuation Route sign and a standard regulatory sign, the regulatory sign shall take precedence.